Monday, March 11, 2013


Do you know that feeling 
where you’re t-t-teetering on the edge of teetotalism 
and your whole world is squeezing you through
a pinhole,
but it doesn’t look like a beam of light.
And your headlights reflect off the deflated eyes
of a roadkill cat
and the cat has the cow's spots
and the cow has the cat’s 9 lives,
but you repeated the number seven in his foam core bed.
And that deadcowcat’s eyes remind you of the time
you forgot your glasses and you 55 mph’ed almost into
a deer with its head twisted snapped back.

And the moonlight that is being cast upon your pillow
of your childhood bed
is really just the floodlights from the car dealership behind your house.

but the funny thing is a deer inched across
the road, after you extricated yourself from his lashes and tips,
 as you switched your beams on and ignited the engine.

And you never really saw the cat’s eyes

just his spots.

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