Sunday, January 17, 2016


HOLDING strongest bird
across my chest,
I take more
Spring’s wind

Construct a bed
Construct a boat

metal parts, metal pins, and bone
stapled skin

Some kind of freedom
lifts in wind
this in wind

We begin
We corrode
            learn to walk again


UNBURY treasure,     unlearn speech
            ask of redemption -
            ask of the sky –
                        brazen illusion.

We trusted in indifferent landscape
            and translucent back / bent

Creatures of the tide
disorient gentle movement

remembering what arrival feels like
remembering to lie
            underneath the water
            across land, across sea,
            across sediment

A swift presentation
            of injury
            of pure turquoise
            of ragged skin

Your cool, captured absence –

I refuse.
I wait, too
I deny                         light veined leaves

We’ll feel our edges blur
our bodies split by the meridian.


I TURN ON               empty
The moon is missing
beyond the windows
between where we are and where we are going

The body has memory
The body has a threshold

a joke stuck in her throat
watch it rupture
multiply it’s meaning

A foreign film without translation

Who said that? She said what? He said what?
My mouth? His mouth? Your mouth?

Words work well oiled
skin as wallpaper
and despite everything
            the body remains                                      dangling from rafters

The rope inside us
the tree inside us
to stand naked I stood naked
to sleep;  to each; to rest in peace